This course is English for Accounting and Taxation for the master students. This course focuses on developing language proficiency and educate students to meet the unique demands of accounting professionals working in taxation, enabling them to communicate effectively in tax-related contexts.
- Teacher: Asma Aib
دراسة بعض الاحكام الواردة في المرسوم الرئاسي 15-247 المتضمن قانون الصفقات العمومية
- Teacher: Amel Dakhane
English for the financial sector is reading, speaking, and writing courses for learners of a master's degree in finance and accounting who need to understand and express the key concepts of finance and accounting and even other related areas of business and economics.
These courses aim to:
* present you with the language and concepts found in books, newspapers, magazine articles, and websites on finance and accounting.
* develop your comprehension of finance and accounting texts.
* provide you with opportunities to express finance and accounting concepts by reformulating them in your own words while summarizing and discussing ideas.
- Teacher: Mohamed Diab
CS_Master C&FA
- Teacher: Mohamed Larbi GHOUZI
- Teacher: ZEID Aymen
- Teacher: ZEID Aymen
مقرر التسيير والتدقيق الجبائي لطلاب السنة الثانية ماستر محاسبة وجباية معمقة
- Teacher: haoues zaouak