Module objectives 

This module introduces students to the essential concepts of probability and statistics, namely statistical series, probability over a finite universe and variable random variables.

This course is intended for students in the 2nd year of civil and hidrotic engineering

The court divided into two parts.The first part is devoted to vibration phenomena and treatment methods, divided into five chapters. The second part, the last chapter, is devoted to the treatment of wave propagation phenomena.

  Cours de mécanique des fluides pour les étudiants de deuxième année du licence Génie Civil 

Chargé de cours: Dr. Djedid TALOUB

Students will be able to distinguish between static, kinematic, and dynamic problems in solid mechanics by the end of the course. They will have the resources necessary to work through these issues using the principles of classical mechanics.

The content of this module is structured into three chapters. After a mathematical review of vectors, the second chapter covers the statics of solids. It introduces fundamental concepts of statics, including point particles, ideal rigid bodies, forces, moments, force systems, constraints, and reactions. It also addresses operations on forces and the equilibrium of solids in the presence of friction. Chapter three focuses on concepts related to mass, center of mass, moment of inertia, and product of inertia.