By the end of the course, students will be able to:

Understand fundamental ecological concepts.

Analyze the scales and factors influencing ecological systems.

Evaluate energy flow within ecosystems.

Interpret ecological pyramids and their implications.

Apply ecological knowledge to practical exercises and real-world scenarios.

Weekly Course Plan:

Week 1: Course Introduction and Objectives

Overview of course objectives and structure

Introduction to key ecological concepts

Reading: Course introduction and objectives (pages 3-4)

Activity: Introduction discussion forum

Week 2: What is Ecology?

Definition and scope of ecology

Historical context and importance of ecology

Reading: Chapter 1 (pages 6)

Assignment: Essay on the significance of ecology in modern science

Week 3: Scales of Ecology

Levels of ecological organization (individual, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere)

Spatial and temporal scales in ecology

Reading: Chapter III (pages 7)

Quiz: Quiz I on introductory concepts and scales of ecology

Week 4: Ecological Factors - Climatic Factors

Overview of climatic factors affecting ecosystems

Temperature, light, and precipitation

Reading: Chapter IV (pages 8-9)

Lab: Exercise 01 on measuring local climatic variables

Week 5: Ecological Factors - Climatic Factors (continued)

Additional climatic influences on ecosystems

Adaptations to climatic conditions

Reading: Continue Chapter IV (pages 8-9)

Lab: Exercise 02 on analyzing climatic data

Week 6: Ecological Factors - Environmental (Biotic) Factors

Introduction to biotic factors

Interactions among living organisms

Reading: Chapter V (pages 11)

Assignment: Report on local biotic interactions

Week 7: Energy Flow in the Ecosystem

Principles of energy flow

Primary productivity and energy transfer

Reading: Chapter V (pages 11-12)

Lab: Exercise 01 on measuring primary productivity

Week 8: Energy Flow in the Ecosystem (continued)

Energy flow through food chains and food webs

Trophic levels and energy efficiency

Reading: Continue Chapter V (pages 12-13)

Lab: Exercise 02 on constructing food webs

Week 9: Energy Flow in the Ecosystem (continued)

Case studies of energy flow in different ecosystems

Human impacts on energy flow

Reading: Continue Chapter V (pages 12-13)

Lab: Exercise 03 on analyzing energy flow case studies

Week 10: Midterm Review and Exam

Review of key concepts from Weeks 1-9

Week 11: The Ecological Pyramids

Structure and types of ecological pyramids (energy, biomass, numbers)

Interpretation and significance of ecological pyramids

Reading: Chapter VI (pages 15)

Lab: Exercise 01 on constructing ecological pyramids

Week 12: ThA casee Ecological Pyramids (continued)

Case studies and real-world examples of ecological pyramids

Analysis of pyramid data

Reading: Continue Chapter VI (pages 15)

Lab: Exercise 02 on analyzing ecological pyramid data

Week 13: Applied Ecology and Conservation

Application of ecological principles to conservation

Human impacts and sustainable practices

Reading: Supplementary material on conservation ecology

Assignment: Case study on a conservation project

Week 14: Behavioral Ecology

Behavioral adaptations in response to ecological factors

Foraging, mating, and social behaviors

Reading: Supplementary material on behavioral ecology

 Observational study of animal behavior.

Directed studies Title: General Ecology DS

Credits: 02

Coefficient: 04

Duration: 15 weeks

Schedule: Thursday: 09:30-11:00

Classroom: D 09

Instructor: Dr. A.Y. ASLOUM

Contact: By email at  


Response on the forum: Any questions related to the course should be posted on the dedicated forum so that everyone can benefit from my response. I commit to answering questions posted within 48 hours.

By email: I commit to responding by email within 48 hours of receiving the message, except in unforeseen circumstances. Please note that the preferred communication channel is the forum; email is reserved for "emergencies" (in case of problems accessing the platform) and should be used judiciously.Course Description:

This course provides an introduction to the principles of ecology, focusing on the scales of ecology, ecological factors, energy flow, and ecological pyramids. Through a combination of theoretical concepts and practical exercises, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of ecological dynamics.