Topic outline

    • Instructor : Dr. Brik mourad 

      Email :
      Hourly Volume : 37h30
      Weekly Hours C : 1h30   WP : 1h
      Coefficient: 2
      Credits : 3
      Evaluation method :  Exam: 60%  Continuous assessment: 40%;
      Availability :
      - At the department: monday from 9 a.m. and Thursday from 8 a.m.
      - By email: I undertake to respond by email within 24 hours of receipt of the messag.

    • Recommended Prerequisites:   

                                                           - C/C++  Programming Language

                                                                                        - Object-Oriented Programming  


      This subject allows the student to reach a significant level in Java programming language, enabling them to address this aspect of modern technology

    • 1. Java Introduction

      1.1.Java Virtual Machine

      1.2.JVM, JRE and JDK

      1.3.Exist Java Platforms

      1.4.Key Difference and similarity Between Java and C#

      1.5.Key Difference between Java and C++


      2. Basic concept

      2.1. Primitive type in java

      2.2. Control Structures

      2.2.1. Blocks

      2.2.2. Conditional Control Structure if, else Statement If statement if else statement

      2.2.3. Using if with multiple statements

      2.2.4. Switch, case, default, break

      2.3. Repetition Control Structure (Loops)

      2.3.1. While statement

      2.3.2. The do-while  Statement

      2.3.4. For statement

      2.4. Using Break and Continue in java

      2.5. Array of primitive type

      2.5.1. Array Creation

      2.5.2. Accessing Array Elements

      2.6. Integrated arithmetic functions

      2.7. Java basic operators

      2.8. Exercises

      3. Classes and Objects

      3.1. Object-Oriented Programming (O.O.P)

      3.2. Declaring Classes

      3.3. Variables and method instance

      3.3.1. Objects and instances

      3.3.2. Java Methods

      3.3.3. Modifiers

      3.3.4. Return value

      3.3.5. Parameters

      3.4. Static Methods and Variables

      3.5. Method Overloading

      3.6. Java access rights

      3.7. Encapsulation in java

      3.8. Java Contructor and Destructor

      3.9. Accessor and mutator

      3.9.1. Accessor

      3.9.2. Mutator

      3.10. Array of objects in java

      4. Inheritance, polymorphism and Abstract class

      4.1. Inheritance

      4.1.1. Syntax

      4.2. Inheritance and constructor

      4.2.1. Invoking Superclass Constructors

      4.2.2. Calling Superclass Methods

      4.3. Polymorphism

      4.3.1. Method overloading

      4.3.2. Method Overriding

      4.4. Abstract Class and method

      4.5. Interface

      4.6. Overload (method surcharging)

      4.7. Modifiers

      5. Integrated Generic data structure in java

      5.1.1 Interfaces and implementation

      5.1.2. Generic types in Java Set interface HashSet LinkedHashSet List ArrayList Map Queue

      5.2. Collection Algorithms

      5.2.1. Fill

      5.2.3. Sort

      5.2.4. Shuffle

      5.2.5. Reverse Order

      5.2.6. Binary Search

      5.3. Collections’ iterating

      5.3.1. For-each

      5.3.2. Iterator

      5.3.3. Massive operations in Java

      6. Graphical API

      6.1. Standard Java library API 

      6.2. Java Natives Interface (JNI)

      6.3. AWT and SWINGx library

      6.3.1. AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit)

      6.3.2. Swingx

    • As a first homework, students are invited to do the following :
                                       - Install the latest version of java virtual machine (JVM) 
                                       - Download the eclipse editor from:

  • Chapter 1 : Introduction to Java

    • JVM, JRE and JDK

      .Exist Java Platforms

      Key Difference and similarity Between Java and C#

      Key Difference between Java and C++

      •         Is C++ a compiler?  Cite two advantage of an interpreter?
      • ·         What is the main purpose of JVM?
      • ·         What is JDK? Is eclipse a JRE?
      • ·         Cite two features of java program vs c# program

  • Chapter 2 : Basic Concepts

    • 2.1. Primitive type in java

      2.2. Control Structures

      2.2.1. Blocks

      2.2.2. Conditional Control Structure if, else Statement If statement if else statement

      2.2.3. Using if with multiple statements

      2.2.4. Switch, case, default, break

      2.3. Repetition Control Structure (Loops)

      2.3.1. While statement

      2.3.2. The do-while  Statement

      2.3.4. For statement

      2.4. Using Break and Continue in java

      2.5. Array of primitive type

      2.5.1. Array Creation

      2.5.2. Accessing Array Elements

      2.6. Integrated arithmetic functions

      2.7. Java basic operators

      •  How does write do-while loop with while-do loop?
      • ·         Cite the primitive types and its range of values?
      • ·         What is an array of primitive type? Is it an object?

  • Chapter 3: Classes and Objects

    • 3. Classes and Objects

      3.1. Object-Oriented Programming (O.O.P)

      3.2. Declaring Classes

      3.3. Variables and method instance

      3.3.1. Objects and instances

      3.3.2. Java Methods

      3.3.3. Modifiers

      3.3.4. Return value

      3.3.5. Parameters

      3.4. Static Methods and Variables

      3.5. Method Overloading

      3.6. Java access rights

      3.7. Encapsulation in java

      3.8. Java Contructor and Destructor

      3.9. Accessor and mutator

      3.9.1. Accessor

      3.9.2. Mutator

      3.10. Array of objects in java

      1. Write a Java program to create a class called "Shape" with a name and color attribute. Create two instances of the "shape" class, set their attributes using the constructor and modify the attributes using the setter methods and print the updated values.
      2. Write a Java program to create a class called "Book" with attributes for title, author, and ISBN, and methods to add and remove books from a collection
      3. Write a Java program to create a class called "Employee" with a name, salary, and hire date attributes, and a method to calculate years of service

  • Chapter 4: Inheritance and Abstract Class

    • 4. Inheritance, polymorphism and Abstract class

      4.1. Inheritance

      4.1.1. Syntax

      4.2. Inheritance and constructor

      4.2.1. Invoking Superclass Constructors

      4.2.2. Calling Superclass Methods

      4.3. Polymorphism

      4.3.1. Method overloading

      4.3.2. Method Overriding

      4.4. Abstract Class and method

      4.5. Interface

      4.6. Overload (method surcharging)

      4.7. Modifiers

      1.  Write a Java program to create a class called "Shape" with abstract methods for calculating area and perimeter, and subclasses for "Rectangle", "Circle", and "Triangle".
      2. Write a Java program to create a class called "Person" with a name and age attribute. Create two instances of the "Person" class, set their attributes using the constructor, and print their name and age
      3. Write a Java program to create a class called "Book" with attributes for title, author, and ISBN, and methods to add and remove books from a collection
      4. Write a Java program to create a class called "Student" with a name, grade, and courses attributes, and methods to add and remove courses.

  • Chapter 5 : Integrated Generic data structure

  • Chapter 6 : graphical API