TP Electricité et magnétisme (2023-2024)
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Titre du matière : TP Electricité et Magnétisme
Faculté : Technologie
Département :1st year common base (sT)Cycle :Ingénieur d’état
Semestre : 2
Crédits :
Coefficients :
Volume : 1h30Enseignant : lallouani.hellali
Initier l’étudiant aux phénomènes physiques sous-jacents aux lois de l’électricité en général.
The overall aim of this experiment is to calculate the resistance within an electrical circuit. Measure the voltage at its terminals and the current passing through it using a multimeter. Calculate the resistance using Ohm's law. Assembly of simple and mixed electrical circuits. Determine the equivalent resistance of a mixed circuit. Highlight the use of the Wheatstone bridge and know metals from the measurement of resistivity. Resistance is measured in ohm (W).
The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the transformation by raising or lowering
The objective of the experiment is to be able to determine the field lines and equipotentials surfaces.
he objective of this experiment is to study the charging and discharging of a capacitor by measuring the potential difference (voltage) across the capacitor as a function of time
The goal of this work is to manipulate the oscilloscope and the GBF (Low Frequency Generator).
- Know how to use the multiple controls visible on the front of each device.
- Know how to measure amplitude (voltage), frequency and phase shift.-
1. J.-P. Perez, R. Carles, R. Fleckinger ; Electromagnétisme Fondements et Applications, Ed. Dunod, 2011.
2. H. Djelouah ; Electromagnétisme ; Office des Publications Universitaires, 2011.
3. P. Fishbane et al.; Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, 3rd ed.;2005.
4. P. A. Tipler, G. Mosca ; Physics For Scientists and Engineers, 6th ed., W. H. Freeman Company, 2008.