Aperçu des sections

  • Contact information

    Contact information

    Course teacher: Dr. Smail Dilmi

    Faculty: Sciences and Technologies

    Department: Common Base

    Target audience: 1st year license, Science and Technology

    Course Title: Practical Work (PW) of Physics 1

    Credit: 02

    Coefficient: 01

    Duration: 10 weeks

    Schedule: Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

    Laboratory: 02


    E-Mail : smail.dilmi@univ-msila.dz

    Availability :

    At the department: Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

    Answer on the forum: any question relating to the practical work must be posted on the dedicated forum so that you can all benefit from my answer, I undertake to answer the questions posted within 48 hours.

    By E-Mail: I undertake to respond by email within 48 hours of receiving the message.

  • Practical Work Description

    This practical work of physics1 is essentially intended for first-year undergraduate students (Sciences and Technologies) of the university cycle, the practical work includes 5 sessions of 2 hours for each subgroup, and the implementation of practical work allows the student to study certain physical phenomena, which supplement the knowledge acquired during theoretical courses, through a certain number of manipulations. He also learns to methodically and logically study phenomena and draw the necessary conclusions.

    Mental map of practical work

    Mental map of practical work

  • Objectives

    At the end of these practical works, you will be able to:

    • Recall the definitions associated with the physical sciences.
    • Comprehend various methods and phenomena related to the physical sciences
    • Apply various concepts related to the physical sciences.
    • Analyze the consistency of the proposed solution with the physical problem posed.

  • Prerequisites

    This practical work requires mastery of basic concepts of mathematics and physics at the secondary level. To enhance your knowledge of the basic concepts of Mathematics, please see Maths for Physics. And to enhance your knowledge of the basic concepts of Physics, please see Elementary Physics1.

    • Opened: mardi 25 juin 2024, 15:00
      Closes: samedi 14 décembre 2024, 15:00
  • Communication space

  • Practical work N°1: Measurements and uncertainties

  • Practical work N°2: Elastic and inelastic collision

  • The final test

    • Opened: mardi 25 juin 2024, 15:00
      Closes: vendredi 20 décembre 2024, 15:00
  • Bibliography