مخطط أسبوعي

  • Instructor Information:

    University: Mohamed Boudiaf- Msila

    Faculty: Technology

    Department: Common Base ST

    Name: Norelhouda BAKRI

    E-mail: norelhouda.bakri@univ-msila.dz

    Availability at university: Sunday (11:00 - 12:30), Monday (11:00  - 12:30) at the teacher’s lounge.

    Course Information:

    Academic year: 2023/2024

    Semester: 1

    Teaching unit: UEF 1.1

    Target audience: 1st year Licence ST 

    Course Title: Mathematics 01

    Duration: 14 weeks

    Course Schedule: Course: 3h00, TD: 1h30

     Credits: 6

     Coefficient: 3

  • Course description

    This course, Mathematics 01, provides an introduction to fundamental mathematical reasoning and foundational concepts in calculus and analysis. Over the course of Fourteen weeks, students will engage with various methods of reasoning, set theory, relations, functions, real functions of a real variable, elementary functions, and Taylor series. This course is designed to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for advanced mathematical studies.

    Mathematics 01

  • Objectives

    هذا الأسبوع

    By the end of this course, students will be able to:

    • Apply different methods of mathematical reasoning.
    • Understand and manipulate sets, relations, and functions.
    • Analyze the behavior of real functions of a real variable.
    • Apply knowledge of elementary functions to solve problems.
    • Use Taylor series for approximations and problem-solving.

  • Prerequisites

    • Students should be proficient in basic algebraic operations, including manipulation of expressions and solving equations.
    • Understanding of functions, including graphing linear and quadratic functions, is essential.

    To test these prerequisites, a test is available on the platform. The test is available from the first week and it is accessible without limitation in time so you can do it again. If the score obtained is insufficient, you will be directed to a course to follow in the same platform.

  • Course Outline

    • Chapter 1: Logic and Reasoning
    • Chapter 2: Sets, Binary Relations, and Functions.
    • Chapter 3: Real Functions of a Real Variable.
    • Chapter 4: Application to Elementary Functions.
    • Chapter 5: Taylor Series.

  • Space for communication

  • Chapter 1: Logic

  • Tutorial of Chapter 01 (TD)

  • Chapter 2: Binary Relations

  • Tutorial of Chapter 02 (TD)

  • Final Test

  • References

    1)- K. Allab, Eléments d’analyse, Fonction d’une variable réelle, 1re & 2e années d’université, Office des Publications universitaires.

    2)- J. Rivaud, Algèbre : Classes préparatoires et Université Tome 1, Exercices avec solutions, Vuibert.

    3)- N. Faddeev, I. Sominski, Recueil d’exercices d’algèbre supérieure, Edition de Moscou

    4)- M. Balabne, M. Duflo, M. Frish, D. Guegan, Géométrie – 2e année du 1er cycle classes préparatoires, Vuibert Université.

    5)- B. Calvo, J. Doyen, A. Calvo, F. Boshet, Exercices d’algèbre, 1er cycle scientifique préparation aux grandes écoles 2e année, Armand Colin – Collection U.

    6)- J. Quinet, Cours élémentaire de mathématiques supérieures 1- Algèbre, Dunod.