Topic outline

  • Contact form

    ·        Teacher: DEBIH Hatem

    ·        Scientific rank: Senior lecturer class "A"

    ·        Email:

    ·        Department: Law

    ·        Faculty: law & political sciences

    ·        Course: English Legal Terminology (Conference sans TD)

    ·        Targeted Public (Students): 1st year third cycle Doctorate LMD all branches

    ·        Weekly hourly volume: 2.15

    Year: 2019-2020

  • Previouse knowledge

    ·        Ability and incentives to study English legal terminology in the 2nd term of graduation )Master's);

    ·        Knowledge of basics in English language (at least reading);

    ·        knowledge about the various topics introduced in the course;

    ·       intention to get more and more legal vocabulary at the concerned branch (public or private law).

  • Objectives

    ·        ObjectivesThis course has got many objectives such as:

    ·        Various & rich program content.

    ·        Too much of legal English vocabulary & lexical.

    ·        Shed the light on different topics (public law).

    ·        Teaching students the way they can use various & vast terms they got in their study.

  • Section 1 abstract : the hierarchy of legal norms

    The hierarchy of norms is a hierarchical ranking of the set of norms that make up the legal system of the rule of law to ensure consistency and rigor. It is based on the principle that a norm must respect that of the higher level and implement it by detailing it. In a conflict of norms, it allows the higher norm to prevail over the norm that is subordinate to it. Thus, an administrative decision must respect laws, international treaties and the Constitution.

      Formulated by Hans Kelsen (1881-1973), a legal theorist and author of "The Pure Theory of Law", the notion of a hierarchy of legal norms can only be meaningful if its respect is controlled by a court. The control can be carried out by exception in a specific dispute (ex: by a judge in the United States) or by action when referring a specific body (the constitutional Council in France).


  • Algeria’s main events chronology

    Its independence reconquered, Algeria was faced with an immense challenge: foundation of a

    Nation. A real laboratory, it didn’t choose the simplest way. Identity issues, civil strife, struggles for power, the appearance of fundamentalism, the ravages of the planned economy, the Islamist insurrection… Algerians suffered greatly, but they never cess advancing. Enormous events have recognized Algeria since the revival of the notions of a modern State; we will try to analyze the political and constitutional chronology in Algeria

  • General theory of administrative contract

    The administration may impose its weal, but may also decide to negotiate. Public entities, legal entities, have a contractual capacity. There are nevertheless certain specificities linked to the purpose of general interest of its mission, that is why it’s contractual freedom will be framed. The administration will be prohibited from contracting in certain areas (organization of the public service, police powers, etc.). Public authority has been awarded contracts as early as the 16th century (construction of canals, construction of roads, etc.). As early as the 19th century, the administration of bridges and roads will elaborate specifications (cahiers des charges) in the field of construction of tracks, and the judge will establish a system of rules in the forefront of a liberal conception of the State. Little by little, contractual action will be systematized. The contracts of the administration don’t present uniformed criteria. We will have to determine the criteria of the administrative contract before we see the legal regime of the contracts of the Administration.
  • The concept of E-commerce

    Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is a system of trading that primarily uses the internet as the main conduit of interaction with customers. E-commerce includes other functions such as customer service, collaborating with business customers or partners and conducting transactions through the internet. E-commerce took root after the advent of the internet in the 1990s. Broadly speaking, e-commerce is any form of business transaction that involves the use of electronics such as fax, telephone, electronic payments, electronic data interchange and money transfer systems. However, the most used concept is that of business transaction conducted through the internet as the main electronic platform.

  • the fight against corruption in Algeria

              Corruption research has mushroomed into a world of its own in the last decade, during which there has been no agreed upon conceptualisation. However one thing is clear, corruption is a multidimensional as well as universal concept, reflected by the abundance of conceptualisations from the various academic disciplines. During this process various concepts have been tucked in the corruption realm through an implicit understanding within the research community; whereby independent concepts now share space with corruption.

         The fight against corruption constitutes a priority strategic action in the global process of reforms started in 1999. The compliance of national legislation with the United Nations Convention Against Corruption UNCAC by way, particularly, of the promulgation of Law 06-01 from 26 February 2006 On Preventing and Combating Corruption, falls within this approach to conduct an effective fight against a complex phenomenon.

         We are going to shed the light on the scourge of corruption and the fight against it in Algeria within legal issues; critic and analytic framework

  • Main legal Latin terms

    This section contains the mostly known legal Latin terms with English and Arabic meaning and spelling, this section also allow to students to know more about the old Latin legal language which represents the main source of law in old times.