Références bibliographiques:
Completion requirements
1. M.F. Ashby, D.R.H. Jones, "Matériaux 2, Microstructure et mise en œuvre", Dunod, Paris.
2. W.D. Kingery, H.F. Bowen, D.R. Uhlman. "Introduction to ceramics". Wiley.
3. J. Zarsyczi, "Les verres et l’état vitreux". Masson.
4. J.L. Chermant,"Les céramiques thermomécaniques", Presses du CNRS
5. I.J. McColm, "Ceramic Science for Materials Technologists". Chapman and Hall.
6. Jürgen G. Heinrich, Cynthia M. Gomes, "Introduction to ceramics processing", TU Clausthal.(open access
with videoclips)
Last modified: Friday, 1 September 2023, 8:29 PM