Classical physics is generally concerned with matter and energy on the normal scale of observation.

- Modern physics is concerned with the behaviour of matter and energy under extreme conditions or on a very large or very small scale.

In physics, we use two types of quantities: scalar quantities and vector quantities:

- Scalar physical quantities are entirely defined by a number and an appropriate unit; e.g. the mass m of a body, the length l of an object, etc.

- Vector physical quantity is a quantity specified by a number and an appropriate unit plus a direction (geometrically represented by a vector); e.g. velocity V,  weight P ...

II- Reference system

II.2 - Galilean reference frame

The Galilean reference frames are the reference frames with uniform rectilinear motion relative to Copernicus' reference frame.

In the Galilean reference frame, there are several reference points. One of these is the Cartesian reference frame.

The Cartesian reference frame consists of an origin O and three orthogonal vectors of unit norm (orthonormal) which are non-collinear ( , , ). The three vectors determine the three usual directions in space ( OX, OY, OZ).

III- Material point

IV- Physical quantities and units

IV.2- Derived units

Last modified: Sunday, 19 May 2024, 2:44 PM