Objectifs de l’enseignement
L’enseignement de cette matière permet à l’étudiant d’acquérir les notions fondamentales de la mécanique classique liée au point matériel. Le cours se décomposera en l'étude des caractéristiques des mouvements (position, vitesse, accélération, etc.), puis en l'étude de la corrélation entre le mouvement et ses causes physiques, et enfin des concepts travail et énergie.
- Enseignant: mahroug abdelhafid

This physics 1 course (material point mechanics) was written for students preparing for a degree in the fields of Material Sciences and Science and Technology. It complies with the official program
This course is taught in one semester, with three hours of lessons per week, supplemented by one and a half hours of tutorials and one and a half hours of practical work.
- Enseignant: ALLALI Djamel

- Enseignant: MEDDAH Mustapha

This course on Physics I is intended for students preparing for a bachelor's degree in the fields of Science and Technology and Materials Science. It conforms to the official program.
This course is taught in one semester, with three hours of lectures per week, supplemented by one and a half hours of tutorials
At the end of this course, the student will have acquired the basic knowledge to determine and pursue the evolution of the point and the system in general.
- Enseignant: LAISSAOUI Lyamani
- Enseignant: Ilhem BENSEHIL
- Enseignant: GHELLAB Torkia
This tutorial applies the concepts covered in the course regarding the study of material point physics, by examining its motion whether in a plane or in space, in order to determine the equation of motion and other kinematic parameters. This is done from either a kinematic or dynamic point of view, or from an energy point of view.
- Enseignant: LAISSAOUI Lyamani