Physique des particules approfondie ou études des symétries à l'aide de la théorie des groupes.
- Teacher: Mounir BOUSSAHEL
Group theory
(including discrete groups as well as continuous groups) gives
mathematical tools for describing symmetries and symmetry properties in
physical systems .
The course's main topic is the connection between theory and experimental high energies, phenomenological study and understanding of the physics of elementary particles expressed in the Lagrangian of the "Standard Model"
Cours Content
Part1: Radiation-matter interaction
Chapter 1: Introduction to Experimental Particle Physics
Chapter 3: Heavy particles in matter
Chapter 4: Electrons in Matter
Chapter 5: Photons in Matter
Part 2: The Detectors
Chapter 6: Ionization Detectors
Chapter 7: Semiconductor Detectors
Chapter 8: Scintillation detectors and Cherenkov effect
Chapter 9:Spectrometer and Calorimeter
- Teacher: essma redouane
Scientific english 2

- Teacher: nadjib baadji