• Faculty: MI
  • Department: Mathematics
  • Course title: Semi groupes et automates finis
  • Target audience: Master 3  Mathématiques
  • Code: UEM1.1.1
  • Credit: 4
  • Coefficient: 3
  • Duration: 14 weeks
  • Form: 1h30 lecture + 1h30 tutorial
  • Lecturer: Nacer Ghadbane
  • Contact: nasser.ghedbane@univ-msila.dz
  • Teaching objectives:  This document covers a first year Master's course, specializing in Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, given at the University of Mohamed Boudiaf-M'sila during the years 2016-2018. The aim of this course was to introduce students to the basic notions of semigroups, finite automata and algebraic grammars.
  • Prior knowledge recommended: Introduction to group theory, theory of relations.