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    It is conventional to start the story at the time of the invention of writing. Our knowledge of prehistory is therefore based exclusively on the analysis of artifacts discovered during archaeological excavations.
    Prehistory is generally defined as the period between the appearance of humanity and the appearance of the first written documents. The classic definition of prehistory poses a certain number of problems, particularly with regard to the criteria used for its beginning and its end, but also for dating. of its limits. It is divided into different periods characterized by particular techniques: The Neolithic (the age of polished stone), and the Paleolithic (the age of cut stone).

  • Section 2

    The Middle Ages, spanning from the 5th to the 15th century, marked the transition from the decline of the Western Roman Empire to the Renaissance and the Great Discoveries. Divided into the High, Central, and Late Middle Ages, this period witnessed the preservation of Greek sciences in the West and significant cultural and scientific developments in the East.

    The Western Middle Ages, lasting from 476 to 1492, saw the dominance of theology, leading to a restriction and prohibition of sciences. Notable individuals like Averroes, Michael Scot, and Ibn al-Baitar made contributions despite these challenges.

    The Renaissance, occurring in the 15th and 16th centuries, was a transformative period bridging the Middle Ages and modern times. It saw innovations in navigation, cartography, medicine, and the development of humanism. The dissemination of knowledge improved with the rediscovery of ancient texts, the invention of paper, and the printing press. Advances in astronomy, from a geocentric to a heliocentric model, marked a significant shift in worldview. Alchemy evolved into modern chemistry, and progress in anatomy and physiology contributed to advancements in medicine.

    The Renaissance facilitated the creation of distinct scientific disciplines, united by scientificity and supported by mathematics. The era allowed for mass education through the printing press, fostering a community of scholars and laying the foundation for modern science.

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  • Section 4

  • Section 5