communication competences--2023--2024--Guermi Nour El-Houda
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الكلية: الآداب واللغات القسم: اللغة الإنجليزية
المقياس: Communication competences .المستوى الدراسي والتخصص: السنة الأولى ماستر, تخصص : الأدب والحضارة.
السداسي: الأول. المعامل: 2 الرصيد: الحجم الساعي الاسبوعي: 1سا ونصف.
اسم ولقب الأستاذ: قرمي نور الهدى.
البريد الإلكتروني:
السنة الجامعية 2022–2023
DevoirOpened: mercredi 2 novembre 2022, 00:00Due: vendredi 2 décembre 2022, 00:00
Writing Assignment
Master 1
Civilization and Literature
The deadline for this assignment is the 02nd of December 2022. select one topic only, submit it on Moodle
.in a PDF or Word format
. Your essay should not exeed two pages
· . Write a persuasive essay in which you discuss one of the following topicsTopic one:
After reading Dell Hymes (1966) on communicative competence, argue whether Hymes notion is more thorough than Chomsky’s linguistic competence and performance.
Topic Two:
Investigate other types of communication that were not included in the lesson. Provide explanations.
Topic Three:Discuss the application of CLT in Algerian schools, its benefits and challenges.
Good afternoon dear students,
Here is the answers key for your Quizz.
1- b
2- a
3- b
4- c
5- b
6- c
7- a
8- a
9- c
10- b
I wish you all the best.
An Intro to communication