Langue Etranger S2- 2023/2024
مخطط الموضوع
منتدىIntitulé : LANGUE ETRANGERE 2
Unité d’enseignement: DECOUVERTE /TRANSVERSALE2.
Nombre de Crédits: 1. Coefficient 1
Volume horaire hebdomadaire total : 1h30
Cours (nombre d’heures par semaine) : 1h30
Travaux dirigés (nombre d’heures par semaine) : 0h00
enseignante :OUZIR MALIKA
The English course aims to learn the basics of the English language and promote skills exchange and expression, based on texts containing scientific and technical parts based on the vocabulary acquired, for better understanding, as well as the translation of certain words from English to French.
The course is divided into a set of learning units which allow students to read, understand and summarize a scientific text in their academic field.
- Interactive Learning: Engage students in discussions, group activities, and role-plays to practice language skills in context.
- Authentic Materials: Use real-world examples such as project documents, emails, and case studies to reinforce learning.
- Feedback and Assessment: Provide regular feedback on written and spoken assignments, and assess progress through quizzes and presentations.
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Google Meet™ for Moodle
Google Meet™ for Moodle
Google Meet™ for Moodle
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