Aperçu des sections

    • 3rd year  license energy physics

      Résumé de TP Transfert de chaleur

    • Faculty: Science 
      Department : Physics
      Target public: L3
      Speciality : Energy Physics 
      Subject title: heat transfer TP
      Duration: VSH 30h (TP 2h)
      Teacher in charge of the subject : Abdelkrim BOURAS
      Contact: Abdelkrim.bouras@univ-msila.dz
      Availability: At the department : Sunday and Wednesday or by appointment.
      By email: I undertake to reply by e-mail within 24 hours of receiving the message, except in the case of unforeseen circumstances.


    This experimental unit shows how heat is conducted along a solid brass bar of uniform circular section. It has an electric radiator at one end to generate thermal energy (the “heat source”) and a small chamber at the other end (“the heat sink”).

  • TP : 02 The Free Convection

    The Main Unit is a compact bench-mounting frame that connects to a suitable electrical supply. It has a vertical duct assembly and a main ‘Control Panel’ with electrical controls and displays.

  • TP 03 The Forced Convection

    Computer Controlled Free and Forced Convection Heat Transfer Unit | EDIBON ®

    The Main Unit is a compact bench-mounting frame that connects to a suitable electrical supply. It has a vertical duct assembly and a main ‘Control Panel’ with electrical controls and displays.

  • Bibliographical references

    Bibliographical references