Topic outline

  • The course provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles of translation. Students will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of concepts, theories, approaches, and terminology related to translation. These include Translation and Translation Studies, Translation and Linguistics, Translation Types, Strategies, and Methods, Translation and Meaning, Translation vs. Interpretation, Back translation, and Common Problems of Translation. By engaging in practical translation tasks from Arabic to English, students will gain a deeper understanding of the challenges associated with translation. They will analyze key aspects of the translation process, including difficulties encountered when translating various types of texts, the role of the translator, and specific translation strategies, in addition to the relationship between language and culture and its impact on translation.

  • Contact Card

    Contact card of the module: Translation (Trans.)

    Faculty: Letters and Foreign Languages

    Department: English Department 

    Level of Students: Third year License

    Academic Year: 2023-2024  

    Semester: First Semester & Second Semester 

    Concerned Groups: All

    Coefficient: 01 

    Credit: 02

    Teaching Time: 1h30 

    Duration: 30 Weeks

    Evaluation: Continuous Evaluation(TD)

    Teacher: Fadhila Abadou

    Professional Email:

     Translate all your english, french and arabic documents by Nina_93 | Fiverr

  • Objectives

     Define key concepts and terms of Translation ( Translation- Translation Studies- Interpretation- Equivalence,  etc.).

    Explain the differences between Translation and Interpretation.

    Explore diverse types of translation (scientific, literary, legal, religious, business, etc.) and translation problems.

    Develop the student's ability to implement Contrastive Analysis (CA) in translation.

    Enable students to understand the relationship between translation and meaning, and translation and pragmatics/discourse.

    -  Enable students to practice translating texts from English into Arabic and vice-versa.

    Objectives of Testing. The objectives of the testing are the… | by Senuri  Samindi | Medium

  • Outcomes

    Recognize and describe linguistic and cross-cultural differences that affect translation and interpretation from the source language into the target language

    Define Translation, Interpretation and Translation Studies.  Develop a particular awareness of the syntactic, semantic, morphological, pragmatic and discoursal differences between English and Arabic

    Differentiate between the basic translation strategies and techniques at text level;

    Distinguish the various translation skills in terms of vocabulary, culture, grammar and

    -  Apply translation skills for translating different texts from Arabic into English .


    What are outcomes? - Matter of Focus

  • Table of contents

    Chapter One: The Concept of Translation

    Chapter Two:  Types of Translation

    Chapter Three: Translation Unit

    Chapter Four: Techniques of Translation

    Chapter Five: Tense and aspect in English 

    Chapter six : Tense and aspect French –English translation 

    Chapter Six: Tense and aspect in Arabic- English translation 

    Chapter seven :The Evaluation of Translation

  • Evaluation

    This course is based on continuous evaluation.

  • Target audience

    Third Year License Students in the English Department of Mohamed Boudiaf University of M'sila.

  • Chapter One

    The lecture provides a comprehensive analysis of the concept of translation, covering its definition, categories, process, and guiding principles. It aims to equip students with a profound knowledge of the significant role of translation in enhancing communication between different cultures and overcoming language barriers. By the end of the lecture, students should have a better understanding of the importance of translation in promoting cultural exchange and breaking down language barriers.

  • Chapter Two

    The lecture explores the concept of translation units, which is a crucial aspect of the translation process. It also discusses various techniques used to divide text into these units. By the end of the lecture, students will have a comprehensive understanding of how translation units function and how they can be applied to ensure effective translation.

  • Chapter Three

    The lecture offers a detailed examination of the different methods and strategies utilized in translation. It delves into the complexities of translating not only words but also the nuances of meaning, tone, and context. This provides students with a thorough comprehension of the art of translation.

  • Chapter Four

    The lecture aims to enhance students' comprehension of English tense and aspect and their significance in effective communication. The lecture will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the key concepts and tools required to apply tense and aspect correctly in English communication.

  • Chapter Five

    The lecture covers the complexities of tense and aspect in French-English translation. It focuses on the challenges that arise when attempting to accurately convey the intended meaning of the source text while maintaining proper tense and aspect usage in the translated version.

  • Chapter Six

    The lecture covers the concepts of tense and aspect in the context of translating between Arabic and English. it delves into the different ways that these concepts operate in the two languages, exploring the challenges and opportunities that arise when trying to accurately convey meaning across linguistic and cultural boundaries.

  • Chapter Seven

    The lecture delves into a detailed discussion of the different methods and techniques utilized to evaluate translations. The importance of accuracy, fluency, and cultural appropriateness in the translation process is thoroughly covered during the lecture. Moreover, the role of technology in translation evaluation is examined, with a focus on how it can enhance the quality of translations.

  • References

    Catford,  J. (1995). A linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press.

    Fuller, F. (1984). The Translator's Handbook. Colin Smythe.

    Hatim, B. and Munday, J. (2004). Translation: An advanced resource book. New York: Routledge.

    Hatim, B.  and Mason, I. (2007). The Translator as Communicator. London and New York: Routledge.

    Jakobson, R. (1959). On Linguistic Aspects of Translation. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.

    Mundy, j. (2008). Introducing Translation Studies, Theories and Applications. London and NewYork: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

    Newmark, P. (1988). A Textbook of Translation. London: Prentice Hall International.

    Nida, N. & Taber, C. (1974). The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E.J Brill, 1974.