2023/2024/Introduction To Linguistics
Aperçu des sections
الكلية: اللغات والآدب
القسم: Département des lettres et langue anglaise
المقياس: Introduction To Linguistics
المستوى الدراسي والتخصص: السنة الأولى جذع مشتركالسداسي: الثاني
اسم ولقب الأستاذ: nour el-houda guermi
البريد الإلكتروني: guermi.nourelhouda@gmail.com
السنة الجامعية: 2021 – 2022
As mentioned earlier, the course is entitled « Introdution to Linguistics » which is designed for first year student of the department of English at the University of M’sila. This course will be taught in the first semester with a ratio of an hour and half each week. In the second semester, along with second year, the course will still be taught but other levels that are not presented in here. To explain the different parts of the course, I present to you the following CM
this quiz is not graded, it is simply a diagnosis to place the students in their needed levels. Answer the questions accordingly
This is a step deeper in the study of language. instead of focusing on sounds, Morphology focuses on words, and the comination of sounds in order to reach meaning.
This homework is to be done online, it is timed. the time will be announed in the announcements section.
It is graded