Lect 02-Key-Terms2

Praise  الحمد

is the expression of admiration or approval for someone or something. In Islam, praise is directed towards Allah (God) for his greatness, mercy, and blessings.

Forgiveness | مغفرة

is the act of pardoning someone for a wrong they have done. In Islam, forgiveness is considered an essential attribute of Allah, who is the most forgiving.

Deeds | أعمال

are actions or behavior. In Islam, deeds are considered to be important because they will be judged on the Day of Judgment.

Hijri Calendar | التقويم الهجري

is a lunar calendar that is used by Muslims. It is based on the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE.

The holiest month | شهر رمضان

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is considered the holiest month. Muslims around the world fast from dawn to sunset during Ramadan as a way to purify themselves and draw closer to Allah.

Verses | آيات

are the individual units of text in the Quran, the holy book of Islam.

Prophet | نبي

is a person who is sent by God to deliver a message to humanity. Muslims believe that Muhammad was the last prophet.

Abstinence | الامتناع

is the practice of refraining from something. In Islam, Muslims abstain from food, drink, and sexual relations during Ramadan.

Supplementary salat | صلوات النفل

are optional prayers that can be performed by Muslims in addition to the five obligatory prayers.

Supplications | أدعية

are prayers or praise made to Allah. Muslims make supplications for a variety of needs, such as for help, guidance, and forgiveness.

Reward | ثواب

is something given in return for an action or service. In Islam, Muslims believe that they will be rewarded for their good deeds in Paradise.

Blessed month | الشهر المبارك

 is a month that is considered to be holy or sacred. Ramadan is considered to be the most blessed month in the Islamic calendar.

Worshipping | عبادة

is the act of expressing devotion to God. In Islam, Muslims worship Allah by praying, fasting, giving charity, and performing other acts of devotion.

Hypocrites | المنافقون

are people who pretend to be Muslim but are not really. In Islam, hypocrites are considered to be among the worst of sinners.

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