Lect 03: Key-terms-3

·       Abstaining (امتناع عن شيء ما.)  is the act of refraining from something, especially something that is considered harmful or undesirable. For example, someone who is abstaining from alcohol is choosing not to drink it.

·       Self-control (التحكم في النفس.) is the ability to control one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It is a key component of emotional intelligence and can help people to cope with stress, make sound decisions, and achieve their goals.

·       Self-restraint (ضبط النفس.)  is the ability to control one's impulses and desires. It is closely related to self-control and is often used to describe the ability to resist temptation.

·       Dignity (العزة) is the state of being worthy of respect or honor. It is often associated with qualities such as integrity, self-respect, and moral uprightness.

·       Glory (الجلال)is the state of great honor or praise. It is often associated with success, achievement, or victory.

·       Piety (التقوى) is the quality of being devout or religious. It is often associated with qualities such as faith, devotion, and obedience to God.

» Main Glossary