Lect 04: Key-terms-4

·       الدين Religion is a system of beliefs and practices that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values.

·        الكفرDisbelief is the state of not believing in something, especially a religion or a religious doctrine.

·        اللعنCursing is the use of offensive or insulting language.

·        الفحشObscenity is the quality of being offensive or disgusting to the senses.

·        التقوىPiety is the quality of being devout or religious.

·        الافطارBreaking the fast is the act of ending a period of fasting.

·        البركةBlessing is a gift or benefit from God.

·        الأمةCommunity of believers is a group of people who share a common faith.

·        الصدقة Charity is the act of giving to those in need.

·        مناقشات-عادة علمية-Discussions are conversations or exchanges of ideas.

·        الاعتكافI’tikaf is a spiritual retreat that is performed during the holy month of Ramadan.

·        الخطيئةSin is an act that is considered to be wrong or harmful.

·        العبدSlave, servant is a person who is owned by another person and is forced to work for them.

·        العبد الذي يكون مجبرا على خدمة سيده جبراSlave: A slave is not legally considered a person but rather property owned by another individual. They have no legal rights and can be bought, sold, or traded.

·        العبد الذي يختار خدمة سيده ويبقى حراServant: A servant is a paid employee who enters into a voluntary agreement to work for another person. They have basic legal rights and are protected under labor laws.

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