مخطط الموضوع

  • fiche de contact

    Faculté : Faculté des Mathématiques et de l’Informatique

    Département : Mathématiques

    Public cible : 2eme année Licence Mathématiques

    Intitulé du cours : Outils de Programmation 2

    Crédit :03

    Coefficient :01

    Durée : 14 semaines

    Horaire : 1H30 cours et 1h30 TP

    Enseignant :
    Chargée de module : Dr .Mihoubi hamza
    Contact : hamza.mihoubi@univ-msila.dz
    Disponibilité :
    Au département : Mercredi et Jeudi à partir de 8h ou par RDV.
    Par mail: Je m’engage à répondre par mail dans 24 heures qui suivent la réception du message, sauf en cas des imprévus.

  • Objectifs du cours :Polycopied course for the module Programming Tools 2 with MATLAB

    Matlab is one of the languages that engineers and scientists use to create programs for engineering and scientific calculations. MATLAB lets you analyze large amounts of data very efficiently.
    In this material, it is explained how to use the MATLAB language so that the student has the ability to comfortably handle programming using the language.

  • Chapter 1 : Interface MATLAB Use of MATLAB in the manner of a scientific calculator

    Objectives of Chapter 1 : In this chapter, the environment of Matlab is presented. A first introductory example quickly shows the operating principle of the software. We then present a set of

    basic functions needed to start in Matlab

  • Chapter 2: Calculation on matrix and Graph in two dimensions and management of the graphic windows

    Objectives of Chapter 2: The aim of this lab is to master matrix manipulation using Matlab, and this hands-on work allows students to apply various techniques and commands to create a polynomial vector, matrix representation of a system of equations, visualization, and graph manipulation

  • Chapter 3: 3D graphic

    Objectives of Chapter 3: The goal of this lab is to master graph and image 3D  processing using Matlab language

  • Chapter 4:Calculation on polynomials

    Objectives of Chapter 4: This practical work allows students to apply the different techniques and commands to generate a polynomial vector, a matrix representation of a system of equations, and graph manipulation.

  • Chapter 5:The Matlab Programming Language and Using Scripts

    Objectives of Chapter 5: The purpose of this lab is to execute a sequence of instructions stored in a Matlab program file.

  • séries et solution de TP Outils de programmation 2/ S3/(2023/2024) OPM2



    [1] Matlab Guide, D. J. Higham, N. J. Higham, SIAM, 2000.
    [2]Introduction to Scientific Computing, A Matrix-Vector Approach Using MATLAB,
    C.F. Van Loan, MATLAB curriculum Series, 1997.
    [3]Apprendre et Maîtriser Matlab, versions 4 et 5 et SIMULINKr, M. Mokhtari, A.
    Mesbah, Springer, 1997.
    [4] The MATHWORKS, Inc., Using MATLAB Graphics, The Mathworks, Inc.,
    Natick, MA, 1996.
    Some internet sites
     le site officiel de Matlab https://www.mathworks.com/
     https://www.tutorialspoint.com/matlab/matlab_transforms.htm
     http://engineering.nyu.edu/mechatronics/vkapila/matlabtutor.html
     http://matlab.izmiran.ru/help/toolbox/webserver

  • Travaux pratiques de programmation en MATLAB

    Travaux pratiques de programmation en MATLAB

  • Examen 2023 et solution