اللغة الإنجليزية س5(2024/2023)
Aperçu des sections
كلية: العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية:
قسم:العلوم الاسلامية
المستوى الدراسي:الثالثة ليسانس (مشترك)
وحدة التعليم:افقية
الحجم الساعي:22سا و30د
طريقة التقييم :امتحان
اسم ولقب الاستاذ:محمد عوامر
البريد الالكتروني:ouamer.m@yahoo.com
By the end of this semester, students are supposed to be able to:
- Recall the key concepts and vocabulary learned in the previous years.
- Familiarizing the students with the basic concepts in the field of Islamic Sciences.
- Comparing between the concepts written in both languages, Arabic and English.
- Being able to speak about some basic topics in Islam including fasting and pilgrimage.
Chapter one: The fourth pillar of Islam “Fasting (Sawm)”
1. The definition of fasting
· What Allah to Him belongs all Dignity and Glory said “from Noble Quran”
· Virtues of fasting
· What the Prophet Peace be upon him (PBUH) said about fasting (Hadith).
· What the Prophet Peace be upon him (PBUH) reported from his Lord about fasting (Sacred Hadith)
1. Confirmation of new Ramadan (New Moon)
2. Who is required to fast?
2. Fasting of women who are menstruate or giving birth
3. Fasting of pregnant and nurse.
3. People excused from fasting
Chapter Two: The fifth pillar of Islam “The Pilgrimage (Hajj)”
1. Outlined of the capabilities of making the pilgrimage
4. Health physical conditions and ability to bear the difficulties of travel.
5. Safety of the road.
6. Possession of adequate food provisions.
7. A clause relative for women who desire to perform the pilgrimage.
2. Virtues of the pilgrimage
8. Pilgrimage expenses
9. Timing for pilgrimage
3. Kinds of Ihram
10. Single
11. Enjoyment (Pleasure or Satisfaction)
12. Dual (Double or Twin i.e to combine Umrah and Hajj)
4. Tawaf in Enjoyment and dual
5. The prayer of Talbaia
6. Acts forbidden in Ihram
13. Starting point of Tawaf
14. How to wear Ihram Garments in Tawaf
Review what has been learnt so far
15. Running between Safa and Marwah
16. Going out to Mina on the Tarwia DAY
17. Departure for Arafa
18. Arafat Day and its Virtues
19. Standing Day Arafat
20. Leaving Muzdalifat after sunset
21. Collecting Pebbles from Muzdalifa
22. Leaving Muzdalifa shorlty before sunrise for Mina
23. The pilgrim starts throwing the pebbles
4. Slaughter of Sacriface
5. Shaving or cutting of Hair ..... ect.
Review what has been learnt so far.
ü “English Translation_of_the_Meanings of Noble Quran” King Fahd Complex for the printing of the Holy Qur’an.
ü “The Pillars of Islam and Iman” by Muhammad Bin Jamil Zino.
ü “Grammar in use” by Raymond Murphy.
This program, Foreign Language 2, is designed for students majoring in Islamic Sciences who wish to improve their language skills in specific contexts. It focuses on providing students with a good mastery of the English language and developing solid competencies in their field of their expertise. The lessons cover a short but intensified range of topics in the field of Islamic sciences, including two main topics named fasting and pilgrimage, as well as a number of subtopics. The students of the discipline of Shari’a should have developed a strong understanding of the basic concepts related to their field of expertise as well as improved their verbal communication skills.
In conclusion, this module aims to enhance your vocabulary words and concepts that are important parts of the Islamic faith.
In this lesson, you can recall the five pillars of Islam
A short introduction to the fourth pillar of Islam
You can find here the definition of all terms included in the previous lectures.