Aperçu des sections


    Plant protection is the science and practice of managing pests, diseases and weeds that damage crops and other plants, and which can have a devastating effect on farmer livelihoods.

  • Section 2

    • Plant protection is the science and practice of managing pests, diseases and weeds that damage crops and other plants, and which can have a devastating effect on farmer livelihoods.

  • Section 3

  • Section 4

  • Section 5

    • Fruit trees have been grown in home orchards for centuries. The goal of many gardeners today is to have fresh fruit from their own trees with a minimum of spraying. There are many ways to reach that goal, but we feel young fruit trees do need some annual spraying to be healthy and productive. We try to emphasize organic and least toxic methods for keeping your orchard healthy.

  • Section 6

    • Intense Summer heat has become a new fixture in the Algeria and it’s important to know how to prepare your garden for a heatwave and drought. Chances are, you’ve spent a lot of time watering your garden and watching for heat or drought-related stress this season! Read on for heat and drought preparation and recovery advice to help your plants survive and thrive this Summer.

  • Section 7

    • They can be classified as root diseases, stem diseases, foliage/foliar diseases, etc. Soil borne -when the pathogen perpetuates through the agency of soil. Seed borne -when the pathogen perpetuates through seed (or any propagation material). Air borne -when they are disseminated by wind e.g. rusts and powdery mildews.