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  • Contact card and Module information:


    Faculty: SHS
    Department: Psychology
    Module: Drog Risks
    Academic level: 3 year, Guidance and Counseling
    Semestre: 06
    Education unit: Exploratory
    Credit: 1
    Coefficient: 1
    Hourly Size: 12
    Evaluation method: Exam
    Teacher: Khatout Ramdhane
    E-mail: ramdane.khatout@univ-msila.dz

  • Course description and objectives:

    The objectives:

    At the end of the semestre, the student is able to analyze the most important epidemiological indicators with a toxicological and behavioral dimension in demographic investigations of drug risks to the population, starting with organizing, collecting, and analyzing surveys that combine the drug risk factor and the health problems of the population.

  • Diagnostic evaluation and student pre- acquisitions:

    Knowledges required:

    The required knowledge that enables the student to continue this education is his basic knowledge of human health and diseases and population epidemics.

    Evaluation method: Written examination at the end of the semester.

    • فتحت: Wednesday، 17 April 2024، 12:00 AM
      تستحق: Wednesday، 24 April 2024، 12:00 AM
  • Module Content and Introduction

    • Drug abuse is a major social issue. Today there is no part of the world which is free from drug abuse.

      Algeria is also caught in this vicious problem of drug abuse.

       Drug addiction causes a huge cost on human resources as well as it promotes illegal production and distribution of drugs.

      Drug abuse has a direct impact on social and economic aspect of the nation.

      The impact of drug is realized in workplace, family and the society. It results in violence at home and gang wars in cities, increase crimes and even stresses the public health system and we find young mass addicted to drugs. It leads to unsafe life.

      Drug addiction not only breaks the family harmony but also puts high economic burden on the society.

      The economic impact due to Drug abuse is immeasurable. The use, production and marketing of drugs, emergence of a class of drug consumers is a huge challenge for mankind. It ultimately leads to unemployment, weak human resources, weak brain power, unhealthy society and increasing crime at large.

      The socio-economic impact is associated with the expenditure incurred.

      We need to design a policy to prevent drug abuse. We must develop a prevention strategy and we need to educate the youth and protect the human resources. The impact is felt in various domains of life such as: family, industries, workplace and economy of the country.

  • Module content

    Module content:

    1- Definition of drugs.

    2- The phenomenon of drug abuse in society.

    3- Drugs from the perspective of law and Islamic Sharia.

    4- Its causes: (individual - family - societal)

    5- Harms and dangers resulting from drug abuse:

      5-1- Organic effects and dangers.

    5-2- Psychological effects and dangers.

    5-3- Social impacts and dangers.

    5-4- Economic impacts and risks.

     6- Methods of prevention and treatment.

  • Lecture 02: Definition of drugs

    • A ‘’drug’’ is usually understood as a psychoactive substance which alters (change) the way that the mind or body works, and can be extracted from nature, synthesised in laboratories or produced within the human body. However, what counts as a ‘‘drug’’ varies between historical and cultural contexts and the term can be seen as politically and morally value-laden in terms of which substances are legally and medically sanctioned or socially disapproved of, rather than related to the intrinsic qualities of the substance it self and its effects on the user.

    • The forum is open to all students to exchange opinions and ideas about the lecture 02

    • Students can ask their questions and inquiries through this space.

    • quiz icon

      1. What is the definition of a drug? a) Any substance that alters mood or perception b) Only substances that are illegal to possess or use c) Medications prescribed by doctors d) Natural substances found in plants

      2. Which of the following is NOT considered a drug? a) Caffeine b) Alcohol c) Aspirin d) Vitamins

      3. True or False: Drugs can only be synthetic chemicals created in a laboratory.

      4. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), which of the following best defines a drug? a) Any substance intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease b) Any substance that alters biological function or structure when administered to a living organism c) Only substances that are habit-forming or addictive d) Substances used for recreational purposes only

      5. Which of the following is an example of a psychoactive drug? a) Antibiotics b) Antihistamines c) Marijuana d) Vitamin C

  • Lecture 03: The phenomenon of drug abuse in society

    • Too often, people struggling with addiction are looked down upon and shunned by society — the assumption is that their drug abuse is their own problem and they are just hurting themselves. But that is a narrow view of what is a large-scale societal issue.

      Drug addiction is not just a compulsion but an actual disease that requires treatment and compassion, just like any other chronic health condition. And addiction affects many more people than just the addicts themselves. Drug abuse touches many corners of society — and most likely even your life, though you may not realize it. An addiction to drugs comes at a great cost, on both an individual and community-wide scale.

    • Students can actively engage in conversations and discussions, fostering a conducive learning environment and enhancing their communication skills.

    • quiz icon

      1. What is the definition of drug abuse? a) Responsible and controlled use of drugs b) Using drugs in a way that harms oneself or others c) Prescription drug use only d) None of the above

      2. Which of the following is NOT a commonly abused drug? a) Marijuana b) Aspirin c) Cocaine d) Heroin

      3. True or False: Drug abuse can have both short-term and long-term effects on physical and mental health.

      4. What are some factors that contribute to drug abuse? a) Genetic predisposition b) Environmental influences c) Peer pressure d) All of the above

      5. Which age group is most vulnerable to drug abuse? a) Children under 5 years old b) Teenagers and young adults c) Middle-aged adults d) Elderly people

      6. What are some potential consequences of drug abuse on society? a) Increased crime rates b) Spread of infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS c) Strain on healthcare systems d) All of the above

      7. Which of the following is an example of a harm reduction strategy for addressing drug abuse? a) Providing clean needles to intravenous drug users b) Sentencing drug offenders to long prison terms c) Banning all drugs outright d) Ignoring the issue completely

      8. What are some signs that someone may be struggling with drug abuse? a) Changes in behavior or mood b) Neglecting responsibilities c) Physical symptoms like dilated pupils or tremors d) All of the above

      9. True or False: Seeking help from healthcare professionals or support groups is a sign of weakness for individuals struggling with drug abuse.

      10. What can individuals and communities do to address the issue of drug abuse? a) Educate about the risks of drug abuse b) Provide access to treatment and support services c) Implement policies that promote prevention and harm reduction d) All of the above

  • Lecture 04: Drugs from the perspective of law

    • Algeria's legal perspective on drug abuse encompasses a wide range of substances, with strict laws and penalties in place to address possession, production, trafficking, and distribution of illicit drugs, including narcotics, psychotropic substances, cannabis, synthetic drugs, and prescription medications. Law enforcement (application) efforts are focused on interdicting drug trafficking networks, disrupting supply chains, and preventing the proliferation of drug abuse within Algerian society.

    • Student can contribute to meaningful discussions, exchange ideas, and skills within the forum's online environment.

    • Discussing drugs from a legal perspective involves analyzing the complex interplay between legislation, law enforcement, public policy, and societal attitudes toward drug use and addiction. It also raises important ethical and human rights considerations regarding individual liberties, public health, and social justice.

    • quiz icon

      1. What term refers to the categorization of drugs based on factors such as their potential for abuse and medical use? a) Drug trafficking b) Drug classification c) Drug legalization d) Drug possession

      2. True or False: Drug possession and trafficking are universally considered legal activities in all countries.

      3. What are some factors that influence the severity of penalties for drug-related offenses? a) Type and quantity of drugs involved b) Intent of the offender c) Prior criminal history d) All of the above

      4. Which of the following is NOT a harm reduction strategy commonly employed in drug policy? a) Needle exchange programs b) Supervised injection sites c) Mandatory minimum sentences d) Access to addiction treatment services

      5. What are drug courts designed to do? a) Impose maximum penalties for drug offenses b) Provide alternative sentencing options for drug offenders c) Legalize all drugs for recreational use d) None of the above

      6. Which international agreement establishes frameworks for international cooperation in drug control efforts? a) United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs b) Geneva Convention on Drug Trafficking c) Paris Agreement on Drug Control d) Kyoto Protocol on Narcotic Substances

      7. True or False: Racial disparities in drug enforcement refer to the unequal treatment of individuals based on their race or ethnicity in drug-related arrests and prosecutions.

      8. What term refers to laws that mandate minimum prison sentences for certain drug offenses? a) Mandatory minimums b) Maximum sentences c) Sentencing guidelines d) Conditional sentencing

      9. In recent years, there has been a trend toward legalizing which drug for medical and even recreational use in some jurisdictions? a) Cocaine b) Heroin c) Methamphetamine d) Cannabis

  • Lecture 05: Drugs from the perspective of Islamic Sharia

    • In Islam, drug abuse is generally condemned as it contradicts the principles of maintaining a sound mind, physical health, and leading a disciplined life. This perspective is not unique to Algeria but is shared across many Islamic countries and communities.

      Islamic Sharia law prohibits the consumption of intoxicants, including drugs, as they are considered harmful to individuals and society as a whole.

    • This forum  can foster valuable discussions on the religious, ethical, and legal aspects of drug use and abuse within the Islamic framework.

    • By engaging in discussions on these topics, Students can deepen their understanding of drug-related issues from an Islamic perspective and explore ways to address these challenges in accordance with Islamic principles and values.

    • quiz icon

      1. According to Islamic teachings, what is the ruling on the consumption of intoxicants such as alcohol and drugs? a) It is permissible in moderation b) It is encouraged for spiritual enlightenment c) It is prohibited d) It is discouraged but not explicitly forbidden

      2. Which Quranic verse condemns intoxicants and gambling, stating that they are the work of Satan? a) Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:256 b) Surah Al-Ma'idah, 5:90 c) Surah Al-An'am, 6:151 d) Surah Al-Anfal, 8:28

      3. True or False: Islamic law considers the use of drugs for medicinal purposes to be permissible under certain circumstances.

      4. What is the term used in Islamic jurisprudence for the principle of preventing harm and preserving life, which is often cited in discussions related to drug use? a) Qiyas b) Maslahah c) Ijma d) Taqlid

      5. Which Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasizes the importance of avoiding harmful substances? a) "The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer." b) "There should be no harming or reciprocating harm." c) "Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim." d) "Actions are judged by intentions."

      6. What legal principle in Islamic Sharia is applied to determine the severity of penalties for drug-related offenses based on factors such as quantity and intent? a) Ta'zir b) Qisas c) Hudud d) Diyya

      7. True or False: Islamic law imposes the same penalties for all types of drug-related offenses, regardless of the substance involved.

      8. According to Islamic teachings, what role should the Muslim community play in addressing drug abuse issues? a) Ignoring the problem to avoid controversy b) Stigmatizing individuals struggling with addiction c) Providing support, education, and rehabilitation services d) Leaving the issue solely to law enforcement authorities

  • Lecture 06: Its causes: individual - family – societal -

    • The increasing production, distribution, promotion and easy availability of substance together with the changing values of society has resulted in rising substance abuse related problems emerging as a major public health concern in Algeria. Sociologist, Psychologist, psychiatrists social worker,, other mental health professionals, educators, and politicians are ever more identifying substance use and abuse as a critical public health problem.

      The most common substance abused are alcohol, marijuana, bhang, hashish

       various kinds of cough syrups, sedative tablets, brown sugar, heroin, cocaine, tobacco etc.

      Substance abuse is also known as drug abuse.

      Finally, what are the: Individual, Family, and societal Factors of drug abuse?

    • In this forum, we can discussing the causes of drug abuse at individual, family, and societal levels, students can engage in various activities to deepen understanding and explore potential solutions.

    • By discussing various factors at the individual, family, and societal levels, students can gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay of factors that contribute to drug abuse and explore strategies for prevention and intervention.

    • quiz icon

      • Individual Level:

        a) Genetic predisposition, psychological factors, peer influence, socioeconomic status, and _____________ all contribute to drug abuse.

        • A) Cultural background
        • B) Academic achievement
        • C) Access to healthcare
        • D) Curiosity and experimentation
      • Family Level:

        b) Family dynamics, parental substance abuse, family history of addiction, trauma, and _____________ can contribute to drug abuse within the family.

        • A) Economic stability
        • B) Lack of emotional support
        • C) Social media use
        • D) Positive peer influence
      • Societal Level:

        c) Availability and accessibility of drugs, cultural attitudes and norms, media and advertising, drug policies and legalization, and _____________ impact drug abuse rates within society.

        • A) Individual income
        • B) Social disparities and inequality
        • C) Religious beliefs
        • D) Government stability
      • True or False: Genetic predisposition plays no role in an individual's susceptibility to drug abuse.

      • True or False: Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) such as neglect and abuse have no correlation with drug abuse later in life.

      • Which of the following is NOT a factor contributing to drug abuse at the family level?

        a) Parental substance abuse

        b) Lack of parental guidance and supervision

        c) Supportive family environment

        d) Family history of addiction

      • Which societal factor influences drug abuse rates by shaping perceptions and attitudes towards drug use?

        a) Media and advertising

        b) Access to education

        c) Religious beliefs

        d) Climate change

      • Which individual factor refers to the tendency to seek out new experiences and sensations, potentially leading to drug experimentation?

        a) Genetic predisposition

        b) Peer influence

        c) Socioeconomic status

        d) Novelty-seeking behavior

      • True or False: Lack of access to education and employment opportunities has no impact on drug abuse rates within society.

  • Lecture 07: Harms and dangers resulting from drug abuse

    • In general, harms and dangers resulting from drug abuse means,  the  undesirable or negative changes in the social fabric due to drug abuse; it also includes negative economic impact on individual, society and Government. It has many aspects. Use of drug by common people leads to many social consequences such as – Instability in family relationship, Domestic Violence, Crime prone life, Reduction of sense of belongingness to the family and the society. There is also lack of social harmony and happiness within the family.

    • In this forum, We can discussing the harms and dangers resulting from drug abuse, students can engage in various activities to raise awareness, share information, and explore strategies for prevention and intervention.

    • By discussing this Lecture, students can gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted harms and dangers associated with drug abuse and explore ways to address these challenges effectively.

    • quiz icon

      1. Health Risks:

        a) Drug abuse can lead to physical and mental health consequences such as:

        • A) Addiction and overdose
        • B) Improved cognitive function
        • C) Decreased risk of chronic diseases
        • D) Enhanced immune system
      2. Risk of Addiction:

        b) Addiction is characterized by:

        • A) A lack of withdrawal symptoms
        • B) The inability to stop using a drug despite negative consequences
        • C) No genetic or environmental factors
        • D) Improved social relationships
      3. Overdose and Death:

        c) Overdose can result in:

        • A) Mild discomfort
        • B) Decreased heart rate
        • C) Respiratory depression and death
        • D) Improved mental clarity
      4. Impact on Relationships:

        d) Drug abuse can strain relationships by causing:

        • A) Increased trust
        • B) Enhanced communication
        • C) Domestic violence and communication breakdowns
        • D) Financial stability
      5. Financial and Legal Consequences:

        e) Drug abuse can lead to:

        • A) Improved job prospects
        • B) Legal problems and criminal charges
        • C) Increased savings
        • D) Enhanced social status
      6. Social Stigma and Discrimination:

        f) Stigma and discrimination can prevent individuals from:

        • A) Seeking help and accessing treatment
        • B) Engaging in criminal behavior
        • C) Finding stable employment
        • D) Building strong social support networks
      7. Impact on Communities:

        g) Drug abuse can contribute to:

        • A) Decreased crime rates
        • B) Improved healthcare systems
        • C) Lost productivity and increased crime rates
        • D) Enhanced economic growth
      8. Public Health Concerns:

        h) Drug abuse can lead to the spread of:

        • A) Improved immunity
        • B) Infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis
        • C) Decreased healthcare costs
        • D) Increased access to healthcare resources
      9. Effects on Development and Education:

        i) Drug abuse can impact cognitive development and academic performance, particularly among:

        • A) Middle-aged adults
        • B) Adolescents and young adults
        • C) Older adults
        • D) Toddlers and infants
      10. Prevention and Intervention Strategies:

        j) Strategies for addressing drug abuse include:

        • A) Community outreach and education
        • B) Early intervention programs
        • C) Treatment and rehabilitation services
        • D) All of the above

  • Lecture 08:Methods of prevention and treatment

    • Drug abuse remains a significant public health concern, with far-reaching consequences affecting individuals, families, and communities. Addressing this complex issue requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses prevention and treatment strategies at the individual, family, and community levels. By implementing evidence-based interventions tailored to specific contexts and needs, we can work towards reducing the prevalence of drug abuse and mitigating its adverse effects on society.

      In this discussion, we will explore various prevention and treatment methods targeting individuals, families, and communities to provide a comprehensive framework for combating drug abuse.

    • In this forum which focused on methods of prevention and treatment for drug abuse, students can engage in a variety of activities to exchange knowledge, share experiences, and collaborate on effective strategies.

    • By discussing these methods of prevention and treatment, students can gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of drug abuse and addiction, as well as the diverse approaches available to address these challenges effectively. Additionally, exploring evidence-based practices and innovative strategies can help inform decision-making and promote positive outcomes for individuals and communities affected by drug abuse

    • quiz icon

      Prevention Methods:

      1. Education and Awareness:

        a) Which of the following is an effective strategy for preventing drug abuse through education and awareness?

        • A) Providing accurate information about the risks and consequences of drug use
        • B) Promoting drug use as a means of coping with stress
        • C) Encouraging experimentation with drugs to overcome boredom
        • D) Avoiding discussions about drug use to prevent curiosity
      2. Early Intervention Programs:

        b) Early intervention programs for preventing drug abuse typically focus on:

        • A) Treating addiction in its advanced stages
        • B) Identifying and addressing risk factors before substance use begins
        • C) Targeting only high-risk populations
        • D) Providing medication-assisted treatment to individuals already addicted to drugs
      3. Parental Education and Support:

        c) How can parental education and support help prevent drug abuse among children and adolescents?

        • A) By setting clear boundaries and monitoring their children's behavior
        • B) By encouraging children to experiment with drugs under parental supervision
        • C) By providing children with unrestricted access to prescription medications
        • D) By ignoring signs of drug experimentation to avoid conflict
      4. School-Based Programs:

        d) School-based prevention programs often include activities such as:

        • A) Life skills training and peer mentoring
        • B) Promoting drug use as a form of rebellion
        • C) Encouraging competition and social isolation
        • D) Providing free access to drugs on school premises
      5. Community-Based Initiatives:

        e) Community-based initiatives for preventing drug abuse involve:

        • A) Engaging local stakeholders in collaborative efforts
        • B) Isolating individuals struggling with addiction from the community
        • C) Ignoring the role of community support in preventing substance abuse
        • D) Focusing solely on individual responsibility for drug use

      Treatment Methods:

      1. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT):

        f) Which of the following medications is commonly used in medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid addiction?

        • A) Antidepressants
        • B) Methamphetamine
        • C) Buprenorphine
        • D) Antipsychotics
      2. Behavioral Therapies:

        g) Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of behavioral therapy that focuses on:

        • A) Addressing underlying issues and promoting behavior change
        • B) Encouraging continued drug use
        • C) Reinforcing negative thought patterns
        • D) Ignoring the role of thoughts and beliefs in behavior
      3. Residential and Outpatient Programs:

        h) Outpatient treatment programs for drug addiction typically involve:

        • A) Providing intensive, 24-hour care in a residential setting
        • B) Offering counseling and support while allowing individuals to live at home
        • C) Ignoring the need for ongoing support and accountability
        • D) Limiting access to evidence-based treatments
      4. Peer Support and Mutual Aid Groups:

        i) Which of the following is an example of a mutual aid group that provides peer support for individuals in recovery from addiction?

        • A) Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
        • B) Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
        • C) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
        • D) Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
      5. Aftercare and Relapse Prevention:

        j) Aftercare and relapse prevention programs are designed to: - A) Support long-term recovery and prevent relapse - B) Encourage continued drug use - C) Provide a safe environment for drug use - D) Isolate individuals from social support networks

  • Sage Advices for Health and Prevention

    • •"Prevention is better than cure."
    • •"Prevention is the best medicine."
    • •"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
    • •"Choose the path that leads to health, not the one that leads to harm."
    • •"Strength lies not in what you have, but in what you can resist."
    • •"Protect your future by making wise choices today."
    • •"Where there is a will, there is a way."
    • •"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."