English Legal Termino Master 1 Business Law 1st Term
Topic outline
Contact formبطاقة تواصل
· Teacher: DEBIH Hatem
· Scientific rank: Senior lecturer class "A"
· Email: hatem.dabbih@univ-msila.dz
· Department: Law
· Faculty: law & political sciences
· Course: English Legal Terminology (Conference sans TD)
· Targeted Public (Students): 1st year Master's Business law
· Weekly hourly volume: 2.15
· Year: 2024-2025
1st Year Master's Business Law
This course has got many objectives such as:
· Various & rich program content.
· Too much of legal English vocabulary & lexical.
· Shed the light on different topics (public law).
· Teaching students the way they can use various & vast terms they got in their study.
Previous Knowledge
Ability and incentives to study English legal terminology in the 2nd term of graduation (Master's)
Knowledge of basics in English language (at least reading)
knowledge about the various topics introduced in the course
intention to get more and more legal vocabulary at the concerned branch (public or private law)
The hierarchy of norms is a hierarchical ranking of the set of norms that make up the legal system of the rule of law to ensure consistency and rigor. It is based on the principle that a norm must respect that of the higher level and implement it by detailing it. In a conflict of norms, it allows the higher norm to prevail over the norm that is subordinate to it. Thus, an administrative decision must respect laws, international treaties and the Constitution.
يحتوي الملف على ترجمة مصطلحات الوثيقة رقم 01 مع شرح بالعربية
The phrase “The Rule of Law” has to be distinguished from the phrase “a rule of law”. The latter phrase is used to designate some particular legal rule like the rule against perpetuities or the rule that says we have to file our taxes by a certain date. Those are rules of law, but the Rule of Law is one of the ideals of our political morality and it refers to the ascendancy of law as such and of the institutions of the legal system in a system of governance.
678.4 KB Document PDF Uploaded 15/12/20, 13:07
Algeria has become in a few years an economic and financial power, many French companies have found opportunities to establish, enjoying the proximity of France, both geographically and culturally.
For those of them that show a strong interest in this market, but have not yet invested, it seems that one of the brakes is the sense of legal uncertainty, particularly with regard to the protection of Intellectual property. For some time, counterfeiting has taken alarming proportions.
يحتوي الملف على ترجمة مصطلحات الوثيقة رقم 02 مع شرح بالعربية
755.9 KB Document PDF Uploaded 15/12/20, 13:10
The adoption of the law N ° 15-04 expresses a will of Algeria to take the step of the modernization of its economy and its administration. This perceptible desire already for several years, began with the computerization of civil registration and the establishment of a national identifier for each citizen, currently, it is even question of electronic payment and e-trade in a near future.
يحتوي الملف على ترجمة مصطلحات الوثيقة رقم 02 مع شرح بالعربية
The comparison of the positive laws between France and Algeria in matters of marriage is
a common case of international law: if in both countries marriage is one of the most important
acts of life, the legal foundations that frame this union are very different. While in the first
country the marriage is civil, it’s of religious inspiration in the second. Thus, the prerequisites, the consequences, the dissolution as well as the consequences of the dissolution of this major legal act are fundamentally remote.
793.7 KB Document PDF Uploaded 15/12/20, 13:15The comparison of the positive laws between France and Algeria in matters of marriage is a common case of international law: if in both countries marriage is one of the most important acts of life, the legal foundations that frame this union are very different. While in the first country the marriage is civil, it’s of religious inspiration in the second. Thus, the prerequisites, the consequences, the dissolution as well as the consequences of the dissolution of this major legal act are fundamentally remote.
يحتوي الملف على ترجمة مصطلحات الوثيقة رقم 02 مع شرح بالعربية
Final Test for 1st year Masters Business law
Bibliography list
1- Marc Lamballais, A critical analysis of Kelsen's hierarchy of norms thesis, Université Paris-Sud Saclay, ResearchGate, May 2019, on the electronic link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333399142_A_critical_analysis_of_Kelsen%27s_hierarchy_of_norms_thesis2- Freedom in the world- Algeria, Freedom House, 2013, on the electronic link: https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2013/algeria
3- Global Guide to Electronic Signature Law:Country by country summaries of law and enforceability, on the electronic link: https://acrobat.adobe.com/content/dam/doc-cloud/en/pdfs/adobe-global-guide-to-electronic-signature-law.pdf
4- Legal framework conditions for e-commerce: much ado about nothing? (17 May 2001), on the electronic link: https://www.euractiv.com/section/uk-europe/opinion/legal-framework-conditions-for-e-commerce-much-ado-about-nothing-17-may-2001/
5- Mejia Fernando, Rights of the Child in Algeria, World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), Geneva(Switzerland), on the electronic link: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED425813.pdf
6- Algeria: Marriage Law, on the electronic link: http://www.amazighworld.org/countries/algeria/documents/code_de_famille.php#title1