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  • Contact Card

    Teacher: Dr. Amirouche Nassima
    Faculty of Letters and Languages
    Department: English Language and Literature
    Target audience: Master 2 - Civilization and Literature
    Module: American Literature

  • Native American literature

    Native American literature: 

    1.  called Indian literature or American Indian literature, is the traditional oral and written literatures of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. 
    2. These include ancient hieroglyphic and pictographic writings of Middle America as well as an extensive set of folktales, myths, 
    3. oral histories that were transmitted for centuries by storytellers, and that live in the works of many contemporary American Indian writers.

  • Native American Literature

    The lecture discusses Native American Literature, its characteristics and writers.

  • Chicano Literature

    The lecture discusses the birth of theChicano literature, its characteristics and genres.

  • References