Topic outline

  • Form-contact

  • Objectives of the Course

  • Chapter I: Registers and Semiconductor Memory

    • Note1: Please do not skip any part of the chapter, the information is structured progressively, understanding one part is closely linked to understanding the preceding part.

      Note 2: Please find on the YouTube channel (GUICHI Omar) the videos that explain the content of the PDF files (Lecture + Tutorial), but unfortunately, they are currently in French.

    • If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We will do our best to respond as quickly as possible.

  • Chapter II: History of Computers

    • In this chapter, the student will learn the history of computers and their development over half a century, as well as the different types of computers and their areas of application.

  • Chapter III: Study of an 8-bit Microprocessor

    • ✍️ Each student must download and print this chapter and bring it with them during all the in-person sessions ✍️

  • Exercise Sets

    • ou can submit your own exercise solutions; they will be considered in the tutorial grade calculation. (It is preferable that they be written by hand).

    • Try to solve the exercises by yourself before checking the solutions.

    • Please try to solve the exercises by yourself before checking their solutions.

    • I always insist on reminding you that it is very important to try to solve the exercises by yourself before checking their solutions.

  • Practical Work


  • Sample Exam Solutions

  • Grades for directed studies (Notes TD)

    Please find the details of the directed studies grades (Notes TD) in the PDF attached file.