Legal Terminology Master 2 Criminal Law 3rd Term
Topic outline
Contact formبطاقة تواصل
· Teacher: DEBIH Hatem
· Scientific rank: Senior lecturer class "A"
· Email:
· Department: Law
· Faculty: law & political sciences
· Course: English Legal Terminology (Conference sans TD)
· Targeted Public (Students): 2nd year Master's Criminal law
· Weekly hourly volume: 2.15
· Year: 2023-2024
2nd Year Master's Crimial Law
This course has got many objectives such as:
· Various & rich program content.
· Too much of legal English vocabulary & lexical.
· Shed the light on different topics (public law).
· Teaching students the way they can use various & vast terms they got in their study.
Previous Knowledge
Ability and incentives to study English legal terminology in the 2nd term of graduation (Master's)
Knowledge of basics in English language (at least reading)
knowledge about the various topics introduced in the course
intention to get more and more legal vocabulary at the concerned branch (public or private law)
The phrase “The Rule of Law” has to be distinguished from the phrase “a rule of law”. The latter phrase is used to designate some particular legal rule like the rule against perpetuities or the rule that says we have to file our taxes by a certain date. Those are rules of law, but the Rule of Law is one of the ideals of our political morality and it refers to the ascendancy of law as such and of the institutions of the legal system in a system of governance.
يحتوي الملف على ترجمة لمصطلحات الوثيقة مع شرح ملخص بالعربية
For two decades now, we have witnessed a misunderstanding, sometimes carefully maintained by those who have an interest in it. It is a question of maintaining the amalgam between the right of the author and the right to information. Most often this amalgam is kept alive by omission. Such lawyer or professor of law brandishes in front of non-lawyers intimidated the threat of the offense of counterfeiting for any person who would dare to violate the property of the author, without saying that on the other hand, the ideas and the information are in principle free of right .
يحتوي الملف على ترجمة لمصطلحات الوثيقة مع شرح ملخص بالعربية
779.9 KB وثيقة PDF Uploaded 9/12/20, 13:40
The administration may impose its weal, but may also decide to negotiate. Public entities, legal entities, have a contractual capacity. There are nevertheless certain specificities linked to the purpose of general interest of its mission, that is why it’s contractual freedom will be framed. The administration will be prohibited from contracting in certain areas (organization of the public service, police powers, etc.).
يحتوي الملف على ترجمة لمصطلحات الوثيقة مع شرح ملخص بالعربية
795.6 KB وثيقة PDF Uploaded 9/12/20, 13:42
Corruption research has mushroomed into a world of its own in the last decade, during which there has been no agreed upon conceptualisation. However one thing is clear, corruption is a multidimensional as well as universal concept, reflected by the abundance of conceptualisations from the various academic disciplines. During this process various concepts have been tucked in the corruption realm through an implicit understanding within the research community; whereby independent concepts now share space with corruption.
The concept of sustainable development is not new. The need for sustainable forest management practices was recognized in Europe in the eighteenth century; sustainable development existed in the conservation philosophy of the Theodore Roosevelt Administration in the United States (1901-1909) and in its concern for rational use of natural resources. More recently, the United Nations has endorsed the Sustainable Development Goals to transform the world by 2030, encompassing economic development, social development, and environmental protection. Development is the goal of any policy. This is the concern of all governments, especially since it is now considered a fundamental human right.
Final Exam for 2nd year Master's Criminal Law
Bibliography list
1- Marc Lamballais, A critical analysis of Kelsen's hierarchy of norms thesis, Université Paris-Sud Saclay, ResearchGate, May 2019, on the electronic link:
2- Freedom in the world- Algeria, Freedom House, 2013, on the electronic link:
3- Jean-Louis Autin, La motivation des actes administratifs unilatéraux, entre tradition nationale et évolution des droits Européens, Revue française d'administration publique 2011/1-2 (n° 137-138), pages 85 à 99.
4- Mindaugas Kiškis and Rimantas Petrauskas, Self-regulation Model for e-Governance Legal Framework R. Traunmüller (Ed.): EGOV 2004, LNCS 3183, pp. 422–427, 2004. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004 .
5- Anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing, on the electronic link:
6- Model Legislative Provisions against Organized Crime, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, New York, USA, 2012, on the electronic link: