مخطط الموضوع

    • The Practical Work  Of  Physics 1
    • Faculty: Science And Technology - University of Msila
    • Department: BASE COMMON ST
    • Target audience : 1st Year license sciences and technology
    • ·Credit=2
    • Coefficient=1
    • Dr. GOURI Amel
    • Hourly volume : 24 h in each semesters   Hourly:   Wednesday 08:00-17:00,               Thursday 08:00-12:00  , Lab 02
    • Contact:   By email: gouri.amel@univ-msila.dz

  • Objectifs du TP

    AT the end of these practical works you will be able to:
    - Recall the definition associated with the physical sciences.
    - Explain various physical phenomena
    - Apply various concepts related to the sciences
    - Analyze the consistency of the solution obtained with the physical problem posed
    - Surrounding the student with the practical work of physics.
    - The student can distinguish between systematic errors and random errors
    - The student is can value conclusions ,and derived based on experimental results

  • Pre- requires

    Pre- requires

    • Used the international standards in physical measurements.
    • A general understanding of physical errors.
    • Comprehending the forces that affect the object and their representation.
    • Applying Newton's second law.
    • The difference between free fall and actual fall.
    • Deriving the solution for a second-order differential equation.
    • An overview of physical collisions.

  • Qusetion du TP

    Q1:What main estimation of the inaccuracy in physical measurements?
    Q2:Choose the correct answer"The Mean Value (x) "It is:

    •  the sum of the errors
    • the Mean of the errors
    • the absolute value function inequalities involving variables

    Q3:An error may be defined as:

    • the difference between the measured value and real value
    •  the real value measured

    Q4:In an elastic collision:

    • The total energy of the system changes
    • The total energy of the system remains constant
    • Rotational motion converts to linear motion.

    Q5:In an inelastic collision:

    • Objects retain their entire kinetic energy.
    • The total energy is converted entirely into kinetic energy.
    • Objects remain in a state of complete rest.
    • Objects change shape and lose energy during the collision.

    Q6:In an inelastic collision:

    • The system conserves momentum.
    •  The total energy converts to internal energy.
    •  Objects retain their original shape.
    •  The total energy converts to kinetic energy.

  • Concept Map of PW of Physics

  • PW01:Estimation Of The Inaccuracy In Physical Measurements

    The Objectives is:

    - Analyzed the measurement errors during experiments and physical measurements
    -Apply statistical methods to estimate measurement errors
    -Evaluate the results of experiments and physical measurements

  • TP_N°-05_Elastic-Inelastic Collision

    The objective of this practical work is to verify the conservation of momentum and kinetic
    energy by measuring the velocities of the object before and after the collision

  • final exam of PW-Phy

    The successful student would thus be ready to move on to the next level.

  • Réference bibliographiques


    - Wolbeck, J. ( 2010) . Instantaneous Velocity Using Photogate Timers. The Physics Teacher, 48(4), pp.262-263
    - Serway, R. A. and Jewett, J. W. ( 2013) . Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics. 9th ed. Brooks Cole, pp.257-458
    - Lana Sheridan “Mechanics Collisions”Nov 8, 2018.

    - J.-L FAVRE, «Les différents types d'erreurs et leur prise en compte dans les calculs géotechniques » . École centrale de Paris 92295 Chàtenay Malabry
    - Bevington, Philip R., and D. Keith Robinson Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2003.
    - Barford, N. C., Experimental Measurements: Precision, Error and Truth, Addison-Wesley publishing Company, Inc., Reading, Massachusetts, 1967

    Web bibliography
    -  Labviewmakerhub. com. ( 2017) . LINX [ LabVIEW MakerHub] . [ online] Available at: http://www.
    - labviewmakerhub.com/doku.php?id=libraries:linx:start [Accessed 3 Mar. 2017]