Topic outline

    • Objectives :

      The aim of information retrieval is to provide the user with the “best possible'' information from a database. The problem of information retrieval is determining what constitutes the best possible information for a given user query. A common form of interaction for information retrieval is for the user query. These are then used by the information retrieval system to identify information that meets the user’s needs. For example, in a bibliographic database, a user might be interested in finding thesis on some topic. The keywords extracted from the query would be an attempt to delineate that topic, and then used to improve precision (ensuring that a significant proportion of the items retrieved are relevant to the user) and recall (ensuring that a significant proportion of the relevant items are retrieved).

      Recommended prior knowledge: algorithmic knowledge, oriented programming language in the web.

      Content : 

      • Introduction of IR

      • IR litterateur

          • Architecture

          • Retrieval type

          • Doc - Query function

          • Indexation

      • IR models

          • Type

          • Models:

              • Boolean

              • Vector Space

              • Others

      • Web IR

      • Evaluation of an IRS

      • Conclusion

      Assessment mode: Exam 60%, Continuous controls 40%.

    • Assessment method of Continuous Controls (CC)

      • Presence: 4p
      • Quiz: 3p
      • Participation: 3p
      • Questioning: 10p

    • In this Textbook, our primary focus will be on the field of information retrieval,
      covering its architetcture, models, and algorithms.

  • Introduction to Information retrieval

    The first chapter is a summary of this course, we will focus only on the history, the definition of the concept, some research topics.

  • IR literature

  • IR Models

  • TD/TD Correction

  • Notes TD / Exam