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Lect 01: Key-terms-1

Prayers (صلوات) are a series of prescribed acts of worship that Muslims perform five times a day. The five prayers are Fajr (dawn), Zuhr (midday), Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (sunset), and Isha (night). Prayers are considered to be one of the five pillars of Islam.

Charity (صدقة) is the act of giving to those in need. It is one of the five pillars of Islam. Charity can be given in many forms, such as money, food, clothing, or other goods.

Greater pilgrimage (الحج الأكبر) is a religious journey that Muslims are required to make to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. The pilgrimage is a time for Muslims to come together and worship Allah. It is also a time for reflection and spiritual growth.

Fasting (الصيام) is the practice of abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations from dawn to sunset during the month of Ramadan. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is a time for Muslims to focus on their spiritual lives and to develop self-discipline.

Agreed upon (متفق عليه) is an adjective that means that something is accepted by everyone. In the context of Islam, it refers to something that is agreed upon by all Muslims. For example, the five pillars of Islam are agreed upon by all Muslims.

Lect 02-Key-Terms2

Praise  الحمد

is the expression of admiration or approval for someone or something. In Islam, praise is directed towards Allah (God) for his greatness, mercy, and blessings.

Forgiveness | مغفرة

is the act of pardoning someone for a wrong they have done. In Islam, forgiveness is considered an essential attribute of Allah, who is the most forgiving.

Deeds | أعمال

are actions or behavior. In Islam, deeds are considered to be important because they will be judged on the Day of Judgment.

Hijri Calendar | التقويم الهجري

is a lunar calendar that is used by Muslims. It is based on the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE.

The holiest month | شهر رمضان

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is considered the holiest month. Muslims around the world fast from dawn to sunset during Ramadan as a way to purify themselves and draw closer to Allah.

Verses | آيات

are the individual units of text in the Quran, the holy book of Islam.

Prophet | نبي

is a person who is sent by God to deliver a message to humanity. Muslims believe that Muhammad was the last prophet.

Abstinence | الامتناع

is the practice of refraining from something. In Islam, Muslims abstain from food, drink, and sexual relations during Ramadan.

Supplementary salat | صلوات النفل

are optional prayers that can be performed by Muslims in addition to the five obligatory prayers.

Supplications | أدعية

are prayers or praise made to Allah. Muslims make supplications for a variety of needs, such as for help, guidance, and forgiveness.

Reward | ثواب

is something given in return for an action or service. In Islam, Muslims believe that they will be rewarded for their good deeds in Paradise.

Blessed month | الشهر المبارك

 is a month that is considered to be holy or sacred. Ramadan is considered to be the most blessed month in the Islamic calendar.

Worshipping | عبادة

is the act of expressing devotion to God. In Islam, Muslims worship Allah by praying, fasting, giving charity, and performing other acts of devotion.

Hypocrites | المنافقون

are people who pretend to be Muslim but are not really. In Islam, hypocrites are considered to be among the worst of sinners.

Lect 03: Key-terms-3

·       Abstaining (امتناع عن شيء ما.)  is the act of refraining from something, especially something that is considered harmful or undesirable. For example, someone who is abstaining from alcohol is choosing not to drink it.

·       Self-control (التحكم في النفس.) is the ability to control one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It is a key component of emotional intelligence and can help people to cope with stress, make sound decisions, and achieve their goals.

·       Self-restraint (ضبط النفس.)  is the ability to control one's impulses and desires. It is closely related to self-control and is often used to describe the ability to resist temptation.

·       Dignity (العزة) is the state of being worthy of respect or honor. It is often associated with qualities such as integrity, self-respect, and moral uprightness.

·       Glory (الجلال)is the state of great honor or praise. It is often associated with success, achievement, or victory.

·       Piety (التقوى) is the quality of being devout or religious. It is often associated with qualities such as faith, devotion, and obedience to God.

Lect 04: Key-terms-4

·       الدين Religion is a system of beliefs and practices that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values.

·        الكفرDisbelief is the state of not believing in something, especially a religion or a religious doctrine.

·        اللعنCursing is the use of offensive or insulting language.

·        الفحشObscenity is the quality of being offensive or disgusting to the senses.

·        التقوىPiety is the quality of being devout or religious.

·        الافطارBreaking the fast is the act of ending a period of fasting.

·        البركةBlessing is a gift or benefit from God.

·        الأمةCommunity of believers is a group of people who share a common faith.

·        الصدقة Charity is the act of giving to those in need.

·        مناقشات-عادة علمية-Discussions are conversations or exchanges of ideas.

·        الاعتكافI’tikaf is a spiritual retreat that is performed during the holy month of Ramadan.

·        الخطيئةSin is an act that is considered to be wrong or harmful.

·        العبدSlave, servant is a person who is owned by another person and is forced to work for them.

·        العبد الذي يكون مجبرا على خدمة سيده جبراSlave: A slave is not legally considered a person but rather property owned by another individual. They have no legal rights and can be bought, sold, or traded.

·        العبد الذي يختار خدمة سيده ويبقى حراServant: A servant is a paid employee who enters into a voluntary agreement to work for another person. They have basic legal rights and are protected under labor laws.

Lect 05: Key-terms-5

·       الرحمةMercy is the willingness to forgive or spare someone from punishment, even if they deserve it.

·        النار-جهنمHell is a place of eternal suffering and torment, often described as a place where people go after they die if they have lived bad lives.

·       الجنة  Paradise is a place of eternal happiness and peace, often described as a place where people go after they die if they have lived good lives.

·        الشيطانDevil is a supernatural being who is often depicted as evil and tempter.

·        الشغف-الولعPassion is a strong emotion or feeling, often used to describe love, anger, or desire.

·        الربLord is a term used to refer to God, often used in religious contexts.

·        الالتزامDiscipline is the practice of training oneself to behave in a certain way, often used in the context of self-improvement.

·        الطاعةObedience is the act of following orders or instructions, often used in the context of authority.

·        الصبرPatience is the ability to wait calmly and without complaining, often used in the context of difficult situations.

·        الاخلاصSincerity is the quality of being honest and genuine, often used in the context of relationships.