مخطط الموضوع

    • Faculty: MI
    • Department: computer science
    • Course title: Component-Based Development
    • Target audience: Master II S.I.G.L 
    • Code: UEF32
    • Credit: 5
    • Coefficient: 3
    • Duration: 14 weeks
    • Form: 1h30 lecture + 1h30 lab session
    • Lecturer: Raouf Lakehal Ayat
    • Contact: raouf.lakehalayat@univ-msila.dz

    Course objectives:

    • To be able to describe component-based design techniques
    • To implement simple cases of technologies for accessing persistent objects via JavaBean and .Net
    • To invoke remote services via RMI and CORBA

    Recommended Prior Knowledge:

    • Basic concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP), Java and C# programming.


      Chapter 1: Introduction to CBD

      • 1.1 Definition of CBD
      • 1.2 Roles and interests of CBD
      • 1.3 Definition of a component
      • 1.4 Differences between OOP and CBD

      Chapter 2: .NET Components

      • 2.1 .NET framework
      • 2.2 .NET component model
      • 2.3 .NET connection model
      • 2.4 .NET deployment model
      • 2.5 Visual Studio .NET examples

      Chapter 3: JavaBeans Components

      • 3.1 Introduction to JavaBeans
      • 3.2 JavaBean conventions
      • 3.3 Advantages of using Javabeans
      • 3.4 Entreprise Javabeans (EJB)
      • 3.5 Examples

      Chapter 4: RMI Components

      • 4.1 .Introduction to RMI
      • 4.2 .RMI architecture
      • 4.3 .Examples

      Chapter 5: CORBA Components 

      • 5.1 Introduction to CORBA infrastructure
      • 5.2 CORBA Component Model (CCM)
      • 5.3 CORBA connection model
      • 5.4 CORBA deployment model
      • 5.5 Practical examples
    • Chapter 1: Component-Based Developement

      Component-based development (CBD) is a software development approach at the High-level design phase of a computer project that emphasizes the construction of software systems by composing them from individual and reusable Modules/Components...

    • Chapter 2: .net in CBD

      .NET's architecture, coupled with its extensive libraries and support for multiple languages, makes it an ideal platform for component-based development...

    • Chapter 3: javabean in cbd

      JavaBeans are an essential aspect of component-based development in Java. Essentially, JavaBeans are reusable software components that follow a specific convention in Java programming...

    • Chapter 4: RMI in cbd

      RMI (Remote Method Invocation) is Java API, it is an integral part of component-based development, offering a means to interact with distributed components or objects seamlessly across different machines on a network...

    • Chapter 5: corba in cbd

      CORBA, which stands for Common Object Request Broker Architecture, is a component-based development technology that enables interoperability among distributed objects...