مخطط الموضوع

  • Practical works in phsics02 (2023-2024)

    • This compilation includes a series of exmeriments and practical works in physics prescribed in the curriculum for first- year university students.
      Every practical work aims to :
      1-Creating an experimental space suitable for the student
      2-Establishing the foundations of experimental work in physics, such as measuring electrical quantity, such as voltage, current intensity, resistance, etc…, achieving experimental formulas, completing experimental work according to its experimental plan.
      3-Kowing the student how to perform an electrical circuit setup.
      4-Linking theoretically studies concepts to experimental.

    • Dr. MEDJBER Salim

      Department of physics, Faculty of Sciences,  University of M’sila, PO Box 166 Ichebilia, 2800 M’sila, Algeria.

      Academic level: first year, commun base matter sciences (SM)

      E-mail: salim.madjber@univ-msila.dz

      Coeff 1

      Credits 4

      Semester 2






    • quiz icon

      A disk of radius R is uniformily charged with a surface distribution

      a-What is the electric field at point M on the z-axis a distance Z from the center of the disk?

      b-Deduce the electric field in the case of infinite plane.

      c- If we take two plates and power them with opposite charges opposées (one carries negative charges the other carries charges positives), calculate the field which rigns between them.

      d- If the two points x0 and x has a potential V0 and V respectively. Give the formulas of  V.

  • Bibliographie

    This compilation is translated from original one (in French) which edited by professors: DEGHFEL Bahri, LAISSAOUI Lyamani and KHALFALLAH Fares and I added some changes with help of the following references:


    In English Language

    1M. Nelkon and J.M. Ogborn, Advanced Level Practical Physics, Heinemann Educational Books, London fourth edition 1978.

    2- F. Tyler, A Laboratory Manual of Physics, British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data, fifth edition 1977.


    In French Language

    1-SAHLAOUI Mohammed, SEKKAL Abdessamed, Travaux pratiques d’électricité, Ecole supérieure en sciences appliquées de Tlemcen, 2019-2020.

    2- ELKECHAI Aziz, Travaux pratiques d’électricité, université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou, 2020-2021.

    3- Dr. MATOUGUI Mohamed, polycopié de travaux pratiques  de physique, université d’Abdelhamid ibn Badis Mostaganem, 2022-2023.


    المراجع بالعربية

    1-ج-ل. كوبارار’ ج-فورني و ح-لعجوز’ ترجمة : عبد المجيد شنوفة’ عبد الله وردان’ رزقي تدريست و عاشور بوجانة’ الكهرباء و الأمواج (دروس-تمارين و أعمال تطبيقية) ’ المطبوعات الجامعية الجزائر.

    2-د. بوخالفة راضية’ مطبوعة بيداغوجية : أعمال تطبيقية كهرباء’  جامعة الشهيد الشيخ العربي التبسي’ تبسة 2022-2023.

  • الموضوع 7